Our Past Mentor — Umair Jaliawala

Umair Jaliawala is a decade-strong learning consultant, trainer, keynote speaker and facilitator.

Jaliawala’s horizon of consulting in learning design and delivery ranges from national-level working groups to ethnic to community-based initiatives. His ability to map needs and to conceptualize interventions based on growth, inclusion, and sustainability makes his work relevant, revered and replicable. His global connection and local action have helped him lead change through local resistance.

As a trainer, Umair assimilates business, faith and psychology. His sessions are a roller-coaster journey of stimulants, audio-visual content, exercises and simulations. A usual Jaliawala-session makes participants reflect, grow, celebrate, cry and connect.

Jaliawala has learnt from, designed for and delivered trainings to multinational and local corporations, international development agencies, public bodies and educational institutions. He has facilitated organisations to bring VMV to life through internal campaigning, roll-outs and road-shows. Several organisations have sought his expertise to design inhouse modules and develop internal trainers. Jaliawala has envisioned and scripted customer service and sales standards, and produced e-modules for digital savvy organisations. Also, Umair has to his belt, the experience of designing leadership team retreats and facilitating large groups in conferences.

Previously, he led School of Leadership and revived SoL Foundation from 2012 to 2016. His team of 65, all under-30, organized in social enterprises, collectively reported a Million USD on financial scorecard. Umair founded Torque Corp in 2008 and left it briefly in 2016, only to turn to his brainchild again in 2018.

Umair actively volunteers through pro-bono consulting, community training, and social endorsements on his social media.

Umair Jaliala was a mentor at junior founder in 2017